Role Playing Activity for Community Building

Standards: Content Standard Social Studies Standard C (Political Science and Citizenship)

·         Assist learners as they work independently and cooperatively within groups and institutions to accomplish goals.

·         Help learners to explain conditions and motivations that contribute to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies and nations.


·         Demonstrate empathy for feelings of others.

·         Formulate alternative ways of resolving a problem or dilemma at school or in the neighborhood and evaluate each in terms of fairness and justice.

            UW Madison Teacher Education:

·         Standard 2: Understands Social Context of Schooling – Students are greatly affected by other members of their community, in school and in the community.  Older students have a great influence on younger students and these students interact together in the neighborhood; therefore, they should learn how to interact with each other in a safe environment.

Materials Needed:

·         A pre-planned list of groups

·         Pre-planned scenarios already assigned to each group based on ability and behavior

·         A partner class with buddies either older or younger in age


·         Students will be able to create a 1 or 2 minute skit based on bullying, using two parts:  inappropriate and appropriate behavior

·         Students will be able to distinguish which behaviors are tolerated in their performance - students will know which behaviors will not be tolerated in their “performances”

·         Students will be able to collaborate with another buddy group and create a short skit.

·         Students will be able to present their skits for the buddy audience.

Lesson Context:

·         Students have had lessons on community building, friendship and conflict resolution.  This lesson is a culmination that gives students the opportunity to act out everything that they have learned.  They will interact peacefully with a group of students and demonstrate different ways to handle conflict.

Lesson Opening:

·         Before the students arrive set up the classroom with a stage and an audience area.

·         Have all the students come into one classroom and revisit the idea of never going below the line even if we are displaying inappropriate ways to handle situations.  Remind the students that they will not be able to participate if they cross the line.  Assign the students groups of buddies.  Optional: You could role play a scenario as the teachers to fuel ideas for the students.  Give each group their assigned scenario.


·         Students will have 10-15 minutes to plan their skits.  Make sure that each student is participating and has the opportunity to participate. 

·         Walk around from group to group to listen in and avoid any issues that could arise later during the skit presentations. 

·         Give students time warnings when it is getting close to time.

·         Have all of the students sit in the audience area and call up one group at a time.  Have one student read the scenario off of the card and let them act.  If desired students could do the negative or positive reaction in any order and ask the audience which one was which. 

·         Make sure the audience applauds for each skit.


·         Wrap up the skits by talking about positive and negative reactions to things that happen to us every day.  Which way is safer for our school and community?  Thank the students for great performances and great behavior.


·         Informal assessment: Walk around from group to group watching the language and participation of each group.

·         Formal assessment: Watch each skit and see if the students appropriately portrayed both the positive and negative reaction.

·         Informal assessment: Watch the audience to see if they respond correctly to the question of which situation was positive and which was negative.


1.   In the cafeteria at lunch, one student bumps into another student, and food gets spilled on the floor.

2.   At recess, some students are playing a game and another student(s) wants to join.

3.   Someone’s art project gets left in the classroom, and it ends up getting broken.

4.   A fellow student(s) isn’t wearing the latest fashion (like clothes, accessories, etc.)

5.   A group of friends starts making plans for after school/recess while other students are listening.

6.   Another teacher sees you (and possibly others) running in the hallway.  What would be the response??

7.   Another student says or does something that you (and/or your friends) disagree with.

8.   Someone budges you in line.